
I need to post more often!

I've been feeling a little stressed lately... Maybe I shouldn't, but I kind of have a lot to worry about so I guess it makes sense...

However, yesterday I finally received my "offer of student position" email from The Hague.  Basically, I'm accepted.  That's one less thing to worry about. Now I just have to write an important email that pretty much decides whether or not I will be able to go...  Then I have a ton of pretty immigration things to fill out and a housing application to put in and other fun stuff like that. But, that'll be a walk in the park after those first two important things.

On the other hand, I'm getting super excited now.  I miss Europe.  I find it a little funny how much I've changed over the past year....  I remember when I said I'd love to visit Europe but I'd never want to live there.  Before I came back home everyone said, "you think you'll miss Europe but as soon as you get home you won't want to leave again."  Wrong, I can't wait to leave.  I kind of like the ways in which I've changed... I don't want to stay here and put a halt to that.  I'm not finished.

So I remember how in grade school, I always hated it when they gave you essay questions that instructed you to write about people who have affected your life in some way or another.  I never really had an answer for that...  I probably could have made something else but it would have been pretty lame.  I was thinking about it earlier though, and I think that if I had to answer that question now, I would have quite a few people that I could put down.  I'm not telling you who, though. Perhaps another time.

I think I had more to say, but I can't really remember.  It'll probably come back to me after I've posted, and I really hate editing posts so I'll just have to hope I remember it next time.