
This post can title itself.

I have nothing exciting to post about my upcoming move to the Netherlands, so I thought I'd stray from the recent topic a bit...

I was talking to my new friend Taylor (he says he's my friend now) on the subject of... Well, talking to people.

I'm not sure what's wrong with my generation.  I mean, I know there's that popular rumor going around detailing how the current generation is killing the English language with their text speak and horrible grammar.  (Though you can't really say that the older generations have perfect grammar either.)

The thing I don't understand is why every conversation has to start out along the lines of this: "hey whats up?" "nothing much you?" "same." Then if you stray from that even a little, the response is typically in the fashion of: "uhh... right... okay." I don't know, I guess when I ask "what's up?" I literally want to know what is up.  "Nothing much" doesn't really mean anything. Either nothing is up, or something is up.  And I'm willing to bet that something is up, because hardly anyone does absolutely nothing at all.  You would think that maybe if you just ask a more specific question, you'll get a better answer, but even if you were to ask "So what have you been up to today?" you would still get a "nothing much" as a response.

Maybe this is why I have a hard time starting conversations with people.  After the whole "what's up" exchange is finished, people expect you to actually then start in with whatever it was that you originally wanted to talk about with them.  Well, maybe I didn't even have anything in mind.  Maybe I'm just bored and felt like talking to someone, and maybe I was looking forward to your response about what's up to find something to discuss from there.

My friends only talk to me when they want something, maybe this is where the problem lies... They expect me to want something when I go to talk to them, just like they do in talking to me.  I can't just talk to them for the sake of talking to them, the notion of that alone is crazy.  Well, who needs friends like that, anyway?

I gave them my blog link when I first made it.  The blog was intended for family and friends. I thought maybe they'd like to keep up with me or something.  Every single one of them opened the link, told me it looked good, and then never went back.  

Some friends.


The countdown begins...

I was going to wait until tomorrow morning to do this post (after all, it is two in the morning right now) but I decided to open my email program before I went to bed and I had an email from the housing place saying my apartment choice was approved.  Then I randomly became super excited and I'm not sure I can ever go to bed now.

The email says I have to transfer an initial payment to them within one week of receiving the email.  So I guess it's back to the bank for me!  I just finished transferring my package fee (tuition, health insurance, immigration fees and such) last week.  A lot of money.  I've been watching the exchange rate and then became angry at myself because it's lower today than it was when I transferred the money (I transferred it last week because it was the lowest I'd seen in quite a long time. Something about Greece tanking the euro economy and considering pulling out).  I wish I could go back to the same bank I went to before to transfer the package fee because the lady that helped me was very nice, and she was German.  That bank was in Boise though, and I just don't go to Boise too often. Especially when there's a branch here in town.  It was just convenient because we were already in Boise picking Mom up from the airport.

Also, earlier this afternoon I mailed out my immigration forms. They are due on June 15th, so as long as they aren't lost in the mail, and as long as it doesn't take a whole month for registered priority mail to get to the Netherlands, I think I'm good on my time.

So, now I have a place to live. I have my tuition fully paid.  I have a place to stay the two months over the summer, though I'm hoping to find somewhere more ideal. I have a hostel booked for 2 months but I haven't made any initial payments and it's going to be about €400 a month, which is a little on the high end for a room I have to share with 25 other people.  My friend added me to a university buy/trade/sell facebook group though, and I've seen quite a few people offering to rent out their apartments for the summer. I might look into that.  It seems like a much better deal.

I'm leaving in exactly one month!  I am so excited, I can't even contain it.  I'm really looking forward to this.  Now if only my room would pack itself up so I don't have to...
