
Rainy Days

Hello! Obviously it's time for a new blog post, even my mother came and told me that my blog is looking lonely. Well, I went to the beach the day before yesterday and intended to write a blog post there. You know, sit down on the sand and stare at the sea as I write a blog post on the fancy cell phone that my best friend's mother so graciously put on her bank account under her name so I didn't have to wait until August. Man, my life is so rough. Unfortunately it was windy and rainy and I wasn't really interested in having wind-blown sand hitting my face while I was trying to enjoy the beach, so I decided to forego that idea.

However, I did go to the beach, and I did have a nice time all by myself at the beach. There's this big glassed-in pier and there was an ice cream place along the pier that had really good ice cream. Also, the guy said it would be €3,75 but while I was digging for change he said "but for you, €3,50" and that was very nice of him. Anyway, I wandered the beach for a while, got ice cream and then dinner (yes, dessert first) and then went home. Not much to do at the beach by yourself in the wind and rain.

I know that I have been talking about the weather here a lot lately but seriously, when I first started almost a year ago I was always talking about food. I have to have something to talk about, don't I?  It's just that the weather here really baffles me. Don't get me wrong, I love it. Even so, it's strange that in the middle of July as I walk through downtown, everyone is wearing jackets and sweaters and scarves. It's a bit chilly out. Plus, the rain. So much rain. As I said, I love it. I'm not a big fan of super hot weather anyway. It's still weird though. It reminds me of spring or autumn weather back home, and those are my favorite seasons because they are right in between hot and cold.  Maybe one of these days if it actually stops raining I will go back and sit on the beach for a few hours like I had planned the other day.

Things are working out here, I guess. After that lady at the bank told me there was absolutely no way I could create a bank account without a SoFi number, I talked to the school and they suggested I have the money deposited in the account of a friend. From there I talked to Tessa, who said we could go to the bank and see what we could do. Well the bank in her town listened to the problem, and left us sitting there for a half an hour as they went to see what they could do about helping. In the end, I walked out with a bank account. So maybe that first lady didn't have any idea what she was talking about. It doesn't matter now, I have a bank account and I don't have to worry about money, as long as I provide the bank with my SoFi number before 6 months have passed. I don't think that will be a problem.

I also had a problem with my roommate. Let's see, the English girl left right after I got here, and the Spanish girl has apparently rented out her room to some guy named José.  I haven't really even formally met him. I think he's been here for two or three weeks now. The guy apparently was unaware that he needed to clean up after himself as a courtesy to any other person staying in the apartment. It's not like he doesn't know I'm here, our paths cross every once in a while (I think he avoids me, which says a lot because normally I'm the one avoiding people) but even so, I got really tired of the enormous mess that he always left in the kitchen.  We have limited space, we have limited supplies, and if he leaves two frying pans and a pot dirty on the stove, well that's about all we have. So basically I have to clean up after him to make my meal. Yesterday I left him a note saying that he should clean up after himself as he's not the only one who lives here and I shouldn't have to clean up his messes. This afternoon, though I know I heard him in there cooking earlier, the kitchen was clean when I went in there. Yay! Maybe I should thank him.

So I have my bank account, my cell phone, and in less than a month I will be in my more permanent apartment. Sounds good to me!

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