How are you? Doing well? Good, I'm glad to hear it. I'm sitting in school right now, I have an hour to kill between classes. Actually, I have 40 minutes. I already killed 20 by getting lunch (which was some kind of rice with green beans and fake meat because the school for some reason doesn't think food can ever not have meat so all the vegetarian options always have mockmeat, with satay sauce on top, and an apple for dessert) and reloading the chip on my bank card so that I could get a chocolate espresso from the vending machine. And possibly tea from the same machine when my espresso is gone.
A few months ago I decided I wanted to start going running every day again, and I made a plan to start when classes started back up. I didn't manage to do that though. However, I did start Saturday. I always had a problem with shin splints so even though I really like to go for a run every day because it makes me feel good, once you get shin splints you have to stop and let it heal. I wasn't stretching well enough to prevent it before, so this time I decided I would stretch a lot better. As a result, my legs are so sore right now. It's a good sore though. I have this running tracker app on my phone, which I used yesterday when I went running. It tells me how long I was running and how far I ran… There's also a map that shows where I went but that map isn't very exciting. I ran to Zuiderpark, and then ran to the 500m mark on the path, and then turned around and ran home.
The other night I really wanted rice and I really wanted to use these mushroom bouillon cubes I had, so I made risotto, with a side of roasted candy. I mean, roasted Brussels sprouts. It was probably the best risotto I've ever made,
and the best risotto I've even eaten. It's also the only risotto I've ever made or eaten. I also never really liked Brussels sprouts before but last month I decided I wanted to like them, so I bought some and roasted it because I had read that when they are crispy and roasted, they can be pretty good. They were. Now I'm looking at the Wikipedia page for Brussels sprouts and it says that in continental Europe, the Netherlands is the largest producer of Brussels sprouts at roughly 82,000 metric tons of Brussels sprouts per year. I guess I now understand why they're fairly cheap. I can get a 750g bag of Brussels sprouts (enough for three or four meals probably, but I usually eat it in two…) for half a euro. Anyway, I like them. They're very cute, and I love cute food.
Uh. What else do you want to know about? My bicycle has a flat tire. My espressochoc (that's what the machine calls it) is gone. I don't have a grade for one of the exams I wrote, so I went to talk to the teacher and he told me to email him, I found that annoying. I now only have 15 minutes left before class. I'm going to go grab that cup of tea from the machine and head to class. Bye!
Thanks for the update, it makes me feel closer to you.