
Update: Sunday 25 May

Hi! I made a scarf. Now it's too warm to wear such a scarf. But I made it nonetheless. It looks kind of like the one in that picture. Actually, it looks exactly like the one in that picture. Except minus maybe the crochet hook hanging off the end. It's not the best scarf ever, but it's the first thing I've ever completed, so whatever.

Uhhh. I don't have much to say. I just thought maybe you missed me and wanted a blog post.

I have been playing with my digital camera lately. I guess I forgot that it focuses so much better than my phone's camera. I thought I should take the camera and go for a walk around the city but I'm so lazy. Besides, I never know what to take pictures of. Maybe I should just carry it with me all the time.

This is a picture I took of Lola the bearded dragon, in the kitchen. You can even see a piece of hair stuck on her nose. Oops. She is a very photogenic reptile.

Aphids! On the plant in the kitchen. Not the prettiest sight, I know. I've never seen aphids before… It's Ian's plant, I showed him the aphids and told him they will kill the plant and that made him sad because he thinks the aphids are really cool. I'm not really sure if it would be smart to put ladybugs on a houseplant, so I don't really know what will be done about them…

Last but not least, cat. He just went in on Friday for a… gender-altering operation. He seems unaffected. He's a cat, not sure what else would be expected.

Those are all the pictures I have to share right now. And I have nothing else to say.

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