
I might start this up again...

Surprise! A post. I'm sitting here eating lunch and thinking, "you know, I have things to say and nowhere to say them." Then I remember, yes. I do have somewhere to say them. I've just neglected it.

My inspiration? Lima beans.

There are so many foods that I never ate growing up because Mom or Dad didn't like it, and so I've never bothered to try them. I just default to "I guess I don't like that either." Brussels sprouts? Love them. Sweet potatoes? So good. (A sweet potato made its way into a pot of chili I was making last week and I took pity on it and let it stay there. I think that's the best chili I've made since I came back from the Netherlands.)

A couple weeks ago I was stocking up on frozen vegetables because my bank accounting was quickly emptying and frozen stuff lasts a lot longer than fresh. I grabbed a bag of baby lima beans; I'm not really sure why. I acknowledged that I had never tried lima beans and maybe some day I should.

Today while trying to figure out what to make for lunch, I was digging through the freezer and spotted those beans. I didn't do anything special with them; I boiled them for a minute or two to thaw/cook them a bit, then dumped them in a pan with olive oil and a chipotle garlic grill mix. Gave them a stir, fried them a little. That's it.

They were delicious.

Last Thursday I applied for a job at Walmart. Monday afternoon they called me for an interview, Tuesday (yesterday) evening I went in and did the interview, and today they called my references. All a good sign, right? I put off applying for Walmart for so long because I didn't really want to work at Walmart, but in the end a job is a job, and a little extra money to spend won't ever hurt.

Posted Wednesday, April 8, 2015

1 comment:

  1. I think you should start this up again. and your grandma would be so happy to hear you like lima beans. Now you need to try turnips and rutabagas!
