
I hate titles.

I'm pretty sure, just in this last week or so, my teacher has chosen me as one of her "favorites."  She always wants me to read stuff, and she always asks me to write stuff on the board because I write "pretty," and today she told the class that as of today I'm going to talk more because we talked about it last Friday.  And how it's too bad that I don't talk more because participation is part of our grades and I speak well, etc.  I'm trying, alright?  It's just hard for me to talk.  Believe it or not, I'm shy.  Today we had 3 French students who want to be French teachers sit in on our classes. I don't know if that was just for today, or for forever.  Fine with me though, I thought it was nice having them there.

There's a "notice of a strike" all over the buses and I'm not really sure what it means. I asked my host parents and they don't know either.  The website for the buses says that due to filed notice of a strike between 11/10 (October 11th) and 31/12 (December 31st), bus routes could be... perturbed.  Does that word mean the same in English as it does in French?  Give me a second, I'm going to look it up.  Okay I think it means almost the same thing... Close enough.  The bus routes may have to change a little to accommodate for the strike, perhaps?  I just hope it's not an all-out bus strike... I have no way to get to school and it takes an hour, walking. Trust me, I walked home yesterday. Eep.

Luckily, this weekend we have a USAC trip to the Pyrenees, the weekend after that starts our autumn break and then I'm going to London for a week, and then the weekend after I get back from London I'm going to Paris to get my mommy.  I really think that's all going to make classes seem to pass a lot quicker, because I'm going to always be busy....  Busy is good! Right?

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