

I haven't posted in the last three days... I'm sorry. I just haven't been in a very good mood and I don't want to post things that come off sounding too sad or something.

Aside from that, I haven't been doing much in the last 3 days either.  Learning French. That's about it. A lot of people who are here are deciding to stay for an extra semester because they like it here. I'm kind of glad I'm going to Spain next. I don't like it here. It's cool and stuff but I'm already done with it.  I feel like I've been here long enough already.  The next couple weeks should pass quickly enough though because I'm going to London and then Mom and Dan are coming, and then I only have to be here for a little while longer. It'll work out fine.  I can't wait for it to finally be "winter" because it'll be a bit cooler and we'll have the rain...

So, now I don't know what else to write about. Let's see. Last night I went to Stephanie's dorm for dinner and we made spaghetti. She asked me if we should use the alfredo sauce, or the marinara sauce, and you should have seen the look on her face when I suggested we use them both.  Guess she's never tried that...  I mixed them together and we used them and we actually ended up having barely enough sauce, so I guess we kind of needed to mix them.  It was a very nice dinner.  And then when it was time for me to go, it was already like 9pm so I was going to have to walk home. Stephanie decided she was going to walk me home because she didn't want me walking an hour in the dark. I told her she wasn't allowed to because I'd be fine and besides, if she walks me home she'll be walking back in the dark. She said we'd find someone to go with us. So she asked three different people who all said they were busy or already in their pajamas, and then she went to ask Elizabeth, who had her neighbor over. And Elizabeth asked her neighbor, who had a car, if he could just drive me home.  So some French guy drove me home last night, it was very nice of him.

What else...  I got a package in the mail yesterday, packages are cool... Uhhh...  My class today, which is normally at 9am, got changed to 1pm, so I get the morning to do whatever. So far it's been spent sleeping and typing a blog post. It's only 10, who knows what'll happen next. I'll probably go into town early anyways and see if I can find something to do there. I think I need to go to the post office anyways.

Alright. That's it for now. I'll try to find something to post about for tomorrow.

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