
Update: Friday 30 Aug

I came home to a new roommate.

This is… Um, well. Not-yet-named Bearded Dragon. She doesn't have a name yet. Amber got her while Ian is gone and she's supposed to be a surprise. It doesn't seem like an appropriate kind of surprise but I guess we'll see what happens. He gets home today or tomorrow.

Anyway, she's a cool dude. She snacks on crickets and grasshoppers and vegetables. Not my kind of meal, but I don't have to eat it so I guess that's okay. She has helped me reaffirm my hatred for bugs. When you take her out of the cage she turns orange and red and yellow. I read that she does that when she is stressed, so I guess it's not a good thing, but it's pretty. Her previous owners didn't care for her very well, so she's not used to being handled so much.

Bearded dragons are expensive pets. Luckily, I don't have to pay for any of it. She's not my pet. I just get the benefits of having her without having to buy tons of crickets. And then take care of those crickets as long they're still alive…

(I know, you probably don't think there are any benefits to having a big lizard in your house.)

ROAR! We should just name her Godzilla.

So… I don't want to sound ungrateful or anything, but I'm really tired of all the attention I've been getting lately… I want to be able to sit at a tram stop or walk down the street without some creeper making kissy noises at me or trying to talk to me. I'm not really sure there's anything I can do about it… I could gain back a ton of weight, and shave my head, and destroy my face? Surely no one could find that attractive. I don't even know how to gain weight… When I got back to The Hague from Jenn's, I was waiting at the tram stop by Centraal Station and this guy starts talking to me. I was trying to act disinterested and stuff but I guess he didn't get it. He kept asking me questions. Then I decided enough was enough when he mentioned my boyfriend, and started ignoring him. Well, I don't have a boyfriend, creepy guy. But I'm sure you are just waiting for me to say so. I should have just told him my boyfriend is on his way, or waiting for me somewhere… Ugh, leave me alone people. Then a couple days ago I was walking to town and there was this guy standing in a doorway, a really old guy too. When I walked by he made kissy noises at me. Most people are a little more subtle with their kissy noises, but not this guy… Leavemealoneleavemealone… Guess I have to adopt a better poker face and ignore them better. Not sure there is any other option.

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