Anyway. Yesterday I was browsing a food page on the internet, I really like to look at pictures of food. I spend a lot of time doing it. Anyway, yesterday someone posted this picture:
And I thought, it would be fun to make pickles, I should try it… Then I started looking at recipes for pickled vegetables (not just cucumbers but many different things) and I got myself really excited to make pickles. So now there's no avoiding it. Monday when I have money I am going to go to the market and find a bunch of vegetables that can be pickled and I'm going to dump them all in some jars and pickle them. Maybe I can take stuff like that to school for lunch or something. I always have trouble figuring out what to do for lunch.
Anyway, Item Number Two on the list of things to write about today is my bedroom.
I moved in a month and a half ago, but I was gone for a month and lazy for the other two weeks so I didn't really do any arranging or unpacking. When I came home from my vacation, there was cat hair everywhere because Ian and Amber seemed to think that it would be better to let the cat shed all over the place in MY room than in their room. It seemed like it would be a huge pain to deal with, so I just left it for another week.
Today I decided to clean and organize a bit. Now, it's not perfect. I need to buy some things to further organize (Jenn suggested a trip to IKEA but I don't know) but it's as good as it gets for now.
This is my guest bed, I suppose. Along with the washing machine, that table there which is half-full of washing detergents and half-full of my things that need something to organize. That little table where my printer is used to be over by the closet, where it was absolutely no use to me. So I moved it here. Also, I'm very happy that my windowsill is big enough for my plants. I want to also note that I thought for sure that my basil was dead and it is not, in fact, dead. I'll show you that later. Now, it seems to me that it would have made more sense to put a desk underneath the loft bed, because as it is right now I have a guest bed but no desk. That's okay too, I will learn to live without a desk.
My card string and posters, seems that my string is almost full. If anyone wants to send me post cards, I'd be happy to put them up there. I love post cards. :) Even though the birthday and Christmas cards are lovely, I would like to replace them with post cards.
Umm, I don't know why I took a picture of my bed but I did. I also took a picture of my closet area but apparently my phone didn't think it needed to upload that one to my computer, so I can't show it to you because it's not here. Featured on my bed are the nice duvet cover and pillow cases that my mother bought me for Christmas 2011. The bed is very sensitive to movement and squeaks a lot but I pushed it against the wall when I was cleaning today, so I guess we'll see if that made a difference.
Last but not least, Theory the hallway guard. He was a little offended that I was in his face taking a picture…
And I almost forgot to tell you about my basil plant. A week ago, this thing was completely brown. I was going to throw it out and plant a new one now that I am back in town. Imagine my surprise, it starts leafing again. I didn't know it would do that! I am very grateful though, because I was so sad that in leaving for a month I killed the plant I was most proud of. It was so full and green, and now it's struggling to survive. I will remedy the situation though, and next time I leave I will make sure someone will water it. I didn't bother to ask last time…
Amber seems super excited that I am here, and she wants us all to eat dinner together some nights. She is very enthusiastic about making vegetarian meals, last night she dug up a recipe for these zucchini boats stuffed with tomato, onion, garlic, mushroom and cheese, and I helped her make them. They were pretty good, actually. She doesn't really know how to cook and Ian has been teaching her but I guess it's hard for him to teach her because they just end up arguing a lot. So whenever she comes up with a recipe, I supervise while she makes it and last night she asked Ian, "Why is everything so much more complicated when you teach me? I'm learning so much right now!" Anyway, Ian is much less enthusiastic about vegetarian cooking. He snapped at her about it last night, he said he's not ready to make vegetarian food. Oh well. I like cooking and I don't want to eat together every night… Then I'd never have time to make my own things.
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