1. Created by Jenn. Banana, avocado and cucumber.
2. Created by me. Cucumber, red pepper, stir-fried mushrooms and steamed carrot.
3. Created by me. Same mushrooms, red pepper, and green onion.
4. Created by Simona. Japanese mayonnaise (I did not like this in sushi but she loves it), avocado, maybe also pistachios? (I can't really remember what was in that one.)
5. Created by Jenn. Steamed carrot, avocado, and cucumber.
6. Created by Moon. Red pepper, cucumber, pistachios. Oh, and that mayonnaise.
7. Created by Moon. Red pepper, banana, green onion, pistachios. And mayo.
I was dipping my sushi in the sauce from the mushrooms instead of just soy sauce (that had fried garlic, mirin, soy sauce and sesame oil) but either way, it was really good and I definitely want to do it more often. I think in the future, we need a higher filling-to-rice ratio… And less mayo. Because do some research on this Japanese mayo with sushi. It's not supposed to go inside, it's supposed to be used as a topping. Either way, I was extremely satisfied with this.
Uh. I also made this the other night. I had leftover sour cream from when I had nachos the week before and I really wanted to use it in this mushroom stroganoff recipe I had found. Of course I couldn't get a nice picture because the lighting was bad, and when I used flash all I got was a bunch of steam… Plus, it doesn't look as pretty as it tasted.
Bonus: ¼ of the roasted veggies that I made to go with it. (Only a fourth because I had already eaten half of what was done cooking before the pasta even made it to the plate, and the rest was still in the oven at this point. Those veggies were delicious.)
Last but not least… I am really craving a baked potato… I am going to start desperately searching for starchy/floury potatoes here soon so that I can make good baked potatoes…. Of course, I don't know what I would put on them because the sour cream here is a little too sour, and what's a good baked potato without butter, sour cream, cheese and green onion? But... I think I can work it out if I can just get a potato or two...
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