
Update: Thursday 28 Mar

I'm a bit frustrated.

It's exam week. Yay, exam week! I have the pleasure of sitting eight exams (three of them are resits). I have only gotten back the results of four so far, and I passed them all. I was very happy to see that.
And then today. I failed today's exam, and I know this with 99% certainty. Today we had an exam on IGOs and INGOs, open question. I literally just got home from taking it, so I probably won't have results for another couple weeks… I studied for that. I'm so frustrated. I didn't know any of the answers.

Still, at least now I know what to study for the resit I guess. I was hoping to not have any resits. If I didn't have any resits, I'd have two weeks of break in May instead of just one. So disappointing.

I'm shocked at how quickly the exam board is getting results to us. It usually takes a few weeks. At the very least, we don't get any results until the end of exam week. Yesterday I got three results: Excel (I got a 10, which is shocking), Institutions of the EU (5.8 I thought for sure that I failed that one, pleasant surprise. Also, we only even took that exam yesterday) and Management of Organisations in Europe (6.3, also didn't have high hopes for that one but didn't think I'd fail it). Now I'm just waiting on French, which I took Monday, and the English Practicals resit, which I turned in two weeks ago but today was the deadline so maybe she hasn't looked at it yet. My politics resit is in one week, so I have seven days to study.

I know all this talk about exams is probably boring. I don't really have anything else to say right now. And I needed somewhere to vent my frustration over that exam of today.

But anyway, yesterday I went to the store and bought a kitchen scale, because kitchen scales are very useful and also fun to play with. I'm looking forward to receiving a package from my mommy, it's always nice to get things from home. Tonight Jenn and I are making dinner at my house and then going to a movie. We've been doing dinner at my house more often recently and it's been nice because it can be pretty cheap and it's a lot more fun to cook for a few people than it is to cook just for myself.

Anyway, more later I guess.

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