
Can I talk about food again?

Bleh. I'm already tired of classes. I'm sure I'll get over it but right now I don't feel like it...  It's so hot here.  Supposedly, when the (late) autumn actually starts, it rains a lot. I love rain, that'll be cool with me. If it never gets really cold here, going home might be a shock after all.  I guess a couple weeks of cold/snow will be nice before I go to Spain though... That feels like it's so far away....  In reality, I'll only be here for 12 more weeks (no, I haven't been counting down the days, I just did a quick count just now). Wow, 12 weeks? Really?  With a week and a half off for "fall break."  I just started classes though!  I guess they really mean it when they say "intensive" classes...

I want Mexican food. I looked at the "foreign foods" section in the grocery store (granted it was the little grocery store, not the big one) and they barely have anything in the way of Mexican food.  Though, they still have way more Old El Paso stuff than I've ever seen in once place at home.  I would totally offer to make my host family dinner, and then make them burritos or something... But I think I'd be too worried they wouldn't like it...  It'd be so different from what they're used to eating.  (They'd need an appetizer, bread with the meal, fancy French cheese afterwards, those just don't go with burritos...)  Just like, I wish I could make a big pot of soup but they don't eat soup as a meal. They eat it as an appetizer.  Besides, I think the ingredients for the stuff I would want to make would be too expensive because they are foreign foods....

I don't really know. What I do know is that it's almost dinner time and I'm starving, I hope we get to eat soon.

Also... My friend gave me all the songs from the new Lady Antebellum CD. I love Lady Antebellum....

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