My mommy is going to be very unhappy with me.
You know how I don't really like shopping? Well... I'd never been shopping in Paris before. Our tour today ended in a major shopping district in Paris, and my roommate wanted to go wander. We went to H&M and some store called Stradivarius. And I spent like 100€. Sorry Momma. Teresa and I had a lot of fun though, and I guess it's a good thing that we were exhausted because we both wanted to shop more. I kinda was just getting into my suitcase this morning though, and decided I didn't bring much clothing. But now I'm all set! All I need are a few scarves and I'll look French! (Not really...)
Tonight is our last night in Paris, which is a good thing because the hotel staff cut our air conditioner and we can't get it to come back on. I think it's because we left it on too low or something and they didn't want us making it that cold in our rooms. We're currently retaliating by opening every window in the hotel room. I really can't wait to get to Pau and meet my host family, and find out if they have internet. And a washing machine. Some convenient things to have. Also, I know nothing about them. However, before we go to Pau we're stopping in Versailles and staying the night in Tours... Good thing we got to rest all afternoon today.
I think pretty much every meal I have had mainly consists of French bread. Usually Teresa and I are wandering around looking for somewhere to eat and just when we're starting to think we'll pass out from hunger, we see a sign that says "BOULANGERIE" and so we go buy some bread and/or sandwiches from the bakery. I think boulangerie (bakery) has become my new favorite word. It's quick and it's cheap. And it's delicious.
Alright, so I'm uploading all of my pictures onto photobucket albums, and I just want to kind of talk about that for a second for anyone who isn't used to that. It's a very similar set-up to facebook pictures, each picture will have a title and a description. The way I have it set up is that the title will be where I was when I took the picture, the description will tell what the point of the picture was (unless there was no point). And the next/previous buttons are right above the picture. This is not the way I wanted to do my pictures but it will have to work.
Click here for pictures from the last three days.
Edit: P.S. I put that title on the post for a reason, and then I forgot to actually talk about the reason. All of us in the group keep accidentally saying dollars instead of euros. "Oh yea, I bought this dress at H&M for 30 dollars." I guess that's not really a good thing because how do you think about conversion when you're not even thinking about euros? I guess we'll have to get used to it.
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