
Paris or Bust: Day One

I love the feeling of taking off. It makes me wish I had my own set of wings, so I could do it all the time.

Okay. This is the problem I have with blogging:  I have a tendency to use a lot of smiley faces and internet acronyms when I type, because it just makes everything a little more light-hearted. Otherwise, it just seems so serious all the time. However, I don't feel that smiley faces and acronyms like that belong in a blog post. So if you see a post that seems a little harsh, imagine a giant smiley face right in the middle and it'll make everything all better.  Actually, apply that to the whole world. You know, if something seems harsh, draw a smiley face on it.  (When the cops pick you up for tagging, please don't mention my name...)

So here I am spending an entire day on airplanes, which is great. It's also not so great.  It's great because, honestly, who could get tired of looking at clouds all day?  On the other hand, it's not so great because... well, who wouldn't get tired of looking at clouds all day? In the end, it's all worth it and I'm just glad I got a window seat so that I can look at those clouds.

I'm only on my first flight right now. Oh, and Boise State's big season-starting football game in Georgia?  Half of the people on my flight to Minneapolis are headed there. I guess there's like a rule of some sort that says when you are headed to a football game across the country you must wear your team's colors at all times. I just find it amusing, that's all.

By the way, I would have taken a picture of the pretty sunset outside the plane so I could put it in this post, but when you're heading towards the sun the sunset disappears fast.

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