
Happy Saturday!

Last night, I opened a piece of chocolate and the inside of the wrapper told me, "Il n'y a rien plus triste qu'une vie sans hasard."  There is nothing more sad than a life without risk.  I kind of needed that, chocolate wrapper, thank you.

I guess I've been a little worried about these decisions I've been making lately. It's not that I haven't really thought about them, I am pretty sure I know what I'm doing.  I feel completely confident that I know how to handle that kind of thing now.  I believe six months ago I wouldn't have felt even halfway capable of doing what I want to do.  So in that respect, I know I'll be okay.  There's just a lot to worry about...

Also, I really can't wait. It feels so long from now. Maybe the time will pass quickly. It seems like last summer passed quickly, while looking forward to coming to France. Actually, I don't really know what happened to that summer. Are you sure it existed?  If it did, it really seems like it was a million years ago (or perhaps more).

Now I'm leaving France in 5 days. The time here has passed really quickly too... I didn't want to pack everything until a day or two before I leave but I couldn't help it. I'm mostly packed up. I have stuff that I don't want, but I don't know what to do with them. I don't feel right throwing away perfectly good clothing and shoes, but I can't wear them because they are too big for me.  I could go donate them but the place to donate is way out of town and I can't get there by myself...  I'm not really sure.  Maybe I can take them to the Netherlands with me before I go home and ask the people at my hostel if there is somewhere nearby where I can donate unwanted clothing.  Then I'll only have to drag them around with me as far as the Netherlands.  Either way, there's no way all my stuff is going to fit in just one suitcase so I will be paying to check a second bag...  Maybe I could just make them a little easier to drag around though...

I don't know what I'm going to do in Paris. I will get to Paris at 1:30 in the afternoon on the 20th and I leave Paris at 8:30 in the morning the next day.  I don't want to go all the way into the city but I don't know how costly the hotels out by the airport are.... That's an awful long time to spend sitting around the airport with my bags though. And I know I wouldn't get any sleep.