

Well.  I had a good day today.  Lots of exploring.  I found a lot of things. Found the right tram. Found the beach (but couldn't get to it).  Found the school. Found the Subway by the school.  Found Jenny (or she found me).

Then we took a walk, where we found a movie theater and bought tickets to see New Year's Eve, then we walked across the street to eat at McDonald's until it was time for the movie.  New Year's Eve was a very good movie, it was pretty funny.  Then we went back to McDonald's for McFlurries.  Then we walked to the train station so I could take a bus and Jenny could take a train.  The end.

I believe tomorrow we're going shopping (but I'm not buying anything because my suitcases are stuffed), and we might try to find a part of the beach that is accessible.  They are doing construction on the dikes at the place where I tried to go. Maybe other parts of the beach will be open...  I mean, I know the dikes in the Netherlands are important, so they can do construction on them whenever they want. BUT I WANTED TO SEE THE BEACH!!!

I guess it's all the better that way. I might not have been able to stay on the beach very long anyways. It was super rainy and windy by the ocean.  Maybe tomorrow will be better. I doubt it, but that's okay.

Alright! I wanna make it down for my free breakfast tomorrow! Goodnight!

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