

I haven't posted in a while.  I guess I've just been busy being home.  It's really nice to not be in someone else's home or a hotel anymore.  I like to have a little bit of control over my living space...

Sometimes I get this really heavy feeling, like maybe I'm not doing the right thing.  This is pretty serious, what I'm doing...  There's a lot of stuff involved in it. A lot of big stuff.  I guess I'm just worried about making a big mistake...

On the other hand, I see these people who say things like "I wish I had done that" or "If only I'd done this while I had the chance" and I don't want to be them.  I like to say that I have no real regrets in my life. I don't feel like I've done anything that I seriously regret doing, and I don't feel like I missed out on doing anything that I seriously wish I'd done.  Even if I moved to Europe and decide that I didn't want to live there forever after all, that wouldn't be a regret because it would be a learning experience.  It would be a different story if I just stayed here, I think....

Blah, blah. Blah blah blah.

I need a job.

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